As much as I love my boys and I do - I mean they’re cute, right? Shooting other people during the highlights of their lives brings a lot of good feels to mine! I spend evenings when my kids are all asleep (or pretending to be) editing and you should see my face when I work through galleries! I beam like a toddler watching bubbles!

Photographs are so engrained in our heritage, through chatting about images, we learn about generations before us, the way they lived, they’re really a visual link to our past, and are just such an essential artefact to pass on to future generations. What we capture together is not for you, its for when your wee ones have their own wee ones!

On our shoot day, I want you to know that I am going to capture your awesome family, in their own epic style, just as you are. I will embrace the quirky dynamic of your brood or the relentless energy of your kids! I am also always excited to meet the Grandies; bring them along if you can - they love to be included, and often they bring the best out in the kids too!

As a relatively new Australian, I am all about a bit of travel, finding new locations to shoot! Let’s be honest - this country has some pretty magnificent locations! Hit me with them!

*like really 100% - you’ll hear the accent and think you’re in an episode of Outlander!